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Sparring is an essential aspect of MMA training that allows fighters to practice their skills in a controlled environment. However, sparring can also be dangerous if not done properly. In this article, we will discuss some tips and guidelines on how to spar for MMA safely and effectively. Start Slow: When starting sparring, it's important to begin at a slow pace to get used to the movements and techniques. This will also help you to focus on your defense and counter-attacks. As you become more comfortable with sparring, you can gradually increase the intensity and speed. Use Protective Gear: To...

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bellator, gear, headgear, kickboxing, kids martial arts, martial arts, martial arts gear, mma, mma gear, mma gloves, morgan, one championship, shinpad, training, training gear, ufc -

Mixed martial arts (MMA) has come a long way since its early days as a no-holds-barred fighting style. As the sport has grown in popularity, so too has the gear and equipment used by fighters. In this article, we'll take a look at how MMA gear has evolved over the years and how it has helped to make the sport safer and more competitive. When MMA first emerged in the early 1990s, the gear used by fighters was minimal. Many fighters wore nothing more than a pair of shorts and some basic hand wraps. There were no weight classes, and...

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